Make Immediate Need Arrangements Make Immediate Need Arrangements Please enter some basic information and choose options on the next two pages.Deceased InformationPackage- Select -Veterans Tribute Package ($1,990)Graveside Service Package ($1,690)Memorial Service Package ($2,590)Direct Cremation ($1,445)Veteran ID numberNameRelationship to DecedentTelephoneEmailAddressPlace of DeathFinal Disposition Return Cremated Remains Bury In CemeteryWe will release cremated remains to the designated individual on the cremation authorization only.Authorized RecipientRecipient AddressCemetery NameCementery LocationChoose A Cremation Container Economy Container (Included) Pine Box Casket ($950) Rosewood ($2000)Choose An Urn Veteran Urn (Included)Choose An Urn Economy Urn (Included) Graveside Urn (Included) Blue Ceramic ($650) Grey ($495) Wood ($595) Veteran Urn (Included)Submit Form Back To Packages